Thanks for having us help with your body painting. Since 1991 our Artists have been painting you and your families and friends for all different occasions, from Halloween and private parties to Corporate events and more.
To make a body painting appointment, call us at 513-671-0758 or email us at and talk to an artist about what your make-up/body painting is going to be…and of course to get a price. Calling is important because some make-up/body paintings will take longer than others, so we need this information so we can schedule you according to how long it will take to complete your make-up/body painting. You can also email us along with photos of what you want it to look like and if everything is OK we can give you an estimate via email. Once you get the estimate and it works for you you can email us back to confirm an appointment.
Once you have called or emailed and received a price from us, click on the link below to pay for your body painting deposit or to pay in full. You will be taken to a page that will ask you to “select payment amount” Just choose the price you were given or any combination of prices that add up to that price. Then just “add to cart” and proceed to checkout.