Shirt with photo and transfer lettering


Shirt with photo and transfer lettering

from $12.00

Price appears above as you select your shirt type and size below. Scroll down to see your choices of lettering colors and fonts to choose from. After you select the shirt size and click “add to cart” you will then be asked for more details. Remember to email the picture you want on your shirt to us at and indicate your name and what order this is for.

Shirt Type/Size:
Add To Cart

Below are the Color and Font choices for your lettering. If you want more than two colors or if you want more than one font choice then just explain all this in the pop up window that appears when you “add to cart”

Keep in mind if you choose to do larger lettering that requires an additional transfer or lettering on the front and back which will require an additional transfer then you will add these as separate “orders”. This will be done once you “add to cart” and fill out the instructions. You will then just “continue shopping” but this time instead of a shirt size you will choose “add extra transfer”

color choices for lettering.jpg
transfer lettering choices.jpg